March 31, 2023

10 Lesser-Known Facts About Music Critic Extraordinaire Lester Bangs


Lester Bangs was a legendary music critic who left an indelible mark on the music industry of the 1970s. He was known for his unique writing style, which was a combination of humor, sarcasm, and wit. Bangs was a master at shattering the myths surrounding popular music and revealing the truth about the artists behind the songs. While many are familiar with his work, there are some lesser-known facts about Lester Bangs that may surprise you.

1. Lester Bangs was a self-taught writer

Unlike many music critics, Bangs did not have a formal education in journalism or music. He began writing in his teens and quickly discovered a talent for storytelling. He honed his skills by reading books and studying the styles of other writers, eventually developing his own unique voice.

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2. Bangs was an accomplished musician himself

Lester Bangs wasn’t just a music critic, he was also a musician who played the guitar, bass, and drums. He played in several bands, including the Delinquents and the Gynecologists.

3. He was best friends with Patti Smith

Lester Bangs had a close friendship with musician and songwriter Patti Smith. The two met in the early 70s and formed a bond over their mutual love of music and literature. Bangs was a champion of Smith’s music and helped launch her career.

4. Bangs was a prolific writer

Over the course of his career, Lester Bangs wrote thousands of articles and reviews for various publications. He was known for his tireless work ethic and his ability to write quickly without sacrificing quality.

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5. He coined the term “heavy metal”

While it is disputed who first used the term “heavy metal” to describe a style of music, Lester Bangs is widely credited with popularizing the term. He was known for his love of loud, guitar-driven rock and roll and used the term frequently in his writing.

6. Bangs had a tumultuous personal life

Lester Bangs struggled with drug addiction throughout his life and often wrote about his experiences with substance abuse. He was also known for his volatile personality and had a reputation for being difficult to work with.

7. He was a voracious reader

Lester Bangs was a lifelong reader and had an extensive personal library of books on a wide variety of subjects. He often incorporated references to literature and philosophy in his writing, elevating the discourse around popular music.

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8. Bangs’ impact on music criticism lives on

Despite passing away at the young age of 33, Lester Bangs’ impact on music criticism continues to be felt today. His writing style has influenced countless music journalists and his insights into the art and culture of rock and roll remain relevant.


1. What is Lester Bangs famous for?

Lester Bangs is famous for his writing on music and his unique writing style which combined humor, sarcasm, and insight.

2. Was Lester Bangs a musician?

Yes, Lester Bangs was a musician himself. He played guitar, bass, and drums and was in several bands.

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3. Who did Lester Bangs write for?

Lester Bangs wrote for a variety of publications over the course of his career, including Creem, Rolling Stone, and Village Voice.

4. What is Lester Bangs’ legacy?

Lester Bangs’ legacy is his impact on the world of music criticism. His writing style and insights into rock and roll continue to influence journalists and music fans today.

5. Did Lester Bangs write about any other topics besides music?

Lester Bangs wrote about a variety of topics throughout his career, including literature, politics, and philosophy.

6. What was Lester Bangs’ relationship with Patti Smith?

Lester Bangs and Patti Smith were close friends and collaborators. Bangs was a champion of Smith’s music and helped launch her career.

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7. How did Lester Bangs die?

Lester Bangs died of heart failure at the age of 33. His death was attributed to his long history of drug abuse.


Lester Bangs was a fascinating figure in the world of music criticism who had a significant impact on the culture of rock and roll. He was a self-taught writer, accomplished musician, and voracious reader who brought a unique perspective to his work. While his personal life was tumultuous, his legacy lives on through his writing, which continues to influence music journalists and fans alike.

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