April 2, 2023

“Uncovering the Legacy of Film Critic Andrew Sarris: A Journey Through Cinema History”

Uncovering the Legacy of Film Critic Andrew Sarris: A Journey Through Cinema History

Movies are an important part of our cultural heritage. They capture our imagination, transport us to different times and places, and allow us to explore a wide range of emotions. But how do we know which movies are worth watching? Enter Andrew Sarris, a film critic who dedicated his life to analyzing and interpreting the art of cinema.

In this post, we’ll take a journey through cinema history, uncovering the legacy of Andrew Sarris and his impact on the world of film criticism. From his early days as a young film buff to his later years as an influential critic and mentor to younger generations, we’ll explore every aspect of Sarris’s life and work. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and let’s dive in!

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The Early Years: Discovering the Magic of Cinema

Andrew Sarris was born on October 31, 1928, in Brooklyn, New York. As a child, he was captivated by movies, often accompanying his father to the local theater. He honed his critical skills early on, writing reviews of films he had seen and sharing them with friends and family.

Sarris’s passion for cinema only grew in his teenage years, as he began reading film journals and writing his own articles. In 1950, he enrolled in the newly-formed School of Film at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he studied under pioneering film theorist Sergei Eisenstein.

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Finding His Voice: The Birth of Auteur Theory

After graduating from UCLA, Sarris began writing for various film journals, including Film Culture and Cahiers du Cinéma. It was during this time that he developed his most famous contribution to film criticism: Auteur theory.

Auteur theory posits that film is a collaborative art form, but that the primary creative force behind a movie is the director. Sarris argued that certain directors had a distinct visual style and thematic preoccupations that could be traced through their entire body of work. These auteurs, he believed, were the true artists of cinema.

Auteur theory revolutionized film criticism, inspiring critics to look beyond the surface of a film and investigate the larger artistic vision behind it. Sarris’s seminal book, “The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968,” became a touchstone for a generation of film critics.

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The Golden Age of Film Criticism: Sarris and His Peers

During the 1960s and 1970s, film criticism was enjoying a renaissance, thanks in part to the influence of Sarris and his peers. Critics like Pauline Kael, Susan Sontag, and Manny Farber were writing in-depth analyses of movies that went beyond simple plot summaries.

Sarris was at the forefront of this movement, and his reviews were always well-informed and insightful. He was particularly interested in the work of European directors like Francois Truffaut and Ingmar Bergman, whom he saw as exemplars of the auteur tradition.

Lifetime Achievement: Sarris’s Legacy

Sarris’s influence on film criticism was immeasurable, and his contributions continue to be felt today. He helped elevate the status of film criticism to that of an art form in its own right, and his advocacy for certain directors has led to renewed interest in their work.

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But perhaps Sarris’s greatest legacy is as a teacher and mentor. He spent many years teaching film studies at Columbia University, and his students have gone on to successful careers in the film industry and academia.


Q: What is Auteur theory?
A: Auteur theory posits that a film’s primary creative force is the director, who imparts a distinct visual style and thematic preoccupations to their work.

Q: How did Sarris contribute to film criticism?
A: Sarris developed Auteur theory and wrote extensively about film and its artistic merits, elevating film criticism to the level of an art form.

Q: Who were Sarris’s peers in film criticism?
A: Other notable film critics of the time included Pauline Kael, Susan Sontag, and Manny Farber.

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Q: What was Sarris’s relationship with European cinema?
A: Sarris was particularly interested in the work of European directors like Francois Truffaut and Ingmar Bergman, whom he saw as exemplars of the auteur tradition.

Q: What is Sarris’s most famous book?
A: Sarris’s most famous book is “The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968.”

Q: What is Sarris’s legacy as a teacher?
A: Sarris spent many years teaching film studies at Columbia University, and his students have gone on to successful careers in the film industry and academia.

Q: How has Sarris’s influence been felt in the film industry?
A: Sarris’s advocacy for certain directors has led to renewed interest in their work and an appreciation for the artistry of filmmaking.

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Andrew Sarris’s impact on the world of film criticism cannot be overstated. Through his work as a critic, teacher, and author, he elevated the art of cinema to new heights and inspired a generation of filmmakers and film lovers. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his contributions to the world of cinema, and his legacy will continue to be felt for generations to come. So, the next time you watch a movie, take a moment to appreciate the artistry behind it, and remember the man who helped us see it in a new light.

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